Thursday - Our journey ends

We got up at 4:45 a.m. Our "limo" in the Ford Taurus was coming at 5:15. The desk person made us Cappuccino. We would be flying to London together and then Judy flying off to Arizona. We spent three hours together between flights. We played Scrabble (on the IPad) and looked at pictures of our trip. Between the three of us we could usually remember where we were when we took it, but not always.
This trip has changed us. We have a new appreciation for art, religion, Italians, travel, but especially each other. There are things we did right and things we would change. We all agreed the Rick's bags need wheels. We would choose the smaller cities with not so many people.
We had such good luck with our reservations. We caught all trains, boats and airplanes. We had no pickpockets. We are no longer bound to money belts or things around our necks. We met some interesting people from all areas of the world. We are home safe and back to our realities. We are grateful for being able to have this experience and know our parents were with us on our journey.
We hope you have enjoyed this experience with us.

Reflections from us:
Smaller cars
Efficient toilets - big and small flushes
Most bathrooms have bidets
No one carries around their coffee cup
We have seen many relics but we are confused by the Church's wishes for bodies to be buried intact
Italians take good care of their country - cleaning the streets and no trash
People don't seem obsessed with having to be connected to their phone or ipod.
Lots of carbs but still thinner
Portion sizes are smaller
Drinking wine earlier in the day but we have not seen anyone drunk
Fathers seem very engaged in playing and raising the children
Eating isn't rushed no matter how busy they are
Water - gas or flat?
Not many birds except pigeons
Old stone houses with solar panels
Lots and lots of steps,no building code in 500AD but still withstanding million of people
Driving is crazy and exciting with cars and motor scooters all merging together but it works
Scarves are fashionable even for the men
Appreciate the natural beauty of the people, along with their simple but classy fashion
Many buildings fooled us on the outside but once inside pure beauty
Trains were on time, schedules easy to read, and pleasurable
Shutters and metal rolling shades are mystery to us. Closed during much of the day
Fun conversation with many travelers all over the world
We didn't have a bad meal here, all fresh,tasty, and scrumptious. We will always evaluate each Italian meals in the states against these meals .......and the wine!!!
Cappuccino (our latte) is to be savored with a little dusting of chocolate in a proper cup
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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